Why Bite-Sized Instruction Is So Effective

Why Bite-Sized Instruction Is So Effective

Technology has become an integral part of our society. It has fundamentally changed the way that we process information, and how we learn. As our society continues to be exposed to compressed information on news feeds through social media, brains are adapting. Although some would argue that this is bad, there are several benefits that have come from this. Bit-sized learning was birthed from this era. It seems like micro-learning is the future of education. I want to give you a couple of reasons why I believe a shift needs to take place toward this direction.

  1. Focused Information

One of the benefits of bight sized learning is that information is short, concise, and straight to the point. Information that is highly compact helps increase efficiency. We live in a society where we value time, hence when teachers cut through the fluff and present what is most important to their students, they are making the best use of both theirs and their students’ time. When creating bite sized content, make sure to focus on quality rather than on quantity.

2. Accessibility 

Another one of the reasons why bite-sized learning is helpful is because of its accessibility. Instruction can be accessed through any mobile device on the go. The more accessible that information is to students, the easier it will be for them to learn new content from anywhere that they might be. When instructing through a bite-sized approach, upload content through multiple platforms that student can easily access.

3. Engagement

We live in a day and age where we are constantly being bombarded with content. It is becoming harder for individuals to stay focused for prolonged periods of time. Micro-learning helps engage students by limiting the amount of time that a learner spends on instruction. It is suggested that content should range anywhere from 1-15 to cater to the attention span of 2st century learners.

4. Motivation

Bite-sized instruction helps motivate students by creating a sense of accomplishment within learners. With every short video that is watched, it can be perceived as a small goal that has been completed. The more goals that are accomplished throughout the lesson, the more motivated an individual will feel in continuing with learning.

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